Dom Polski – Polish House
The Dom Polski (Polish House) at 257 Riddiford Street, Newtown has served as the physical and spiritual home of the Wellington Polish community since the mid-1960s. In that time, it has served the community faithfully, hosting an uncountable number of performances, dinners, lunches, dances, fairs, meetings and get-togethers. It has hosted many offshoot Polish clubs as well as being the home for the Wellington Polish School for many years.
Through the years it has also served as a home for many other ethnic and community groups. It has truly become a central feature of the Newtown and Wellington cultural landscape.
Like many buildings in Wellington, today the building desperately needs earthquake strengthening and renovation, or alternately a total rebuild. We have until 2027, but as we all know, that time will pass very quickly.
On 20 August 2023, we held an SGM where the membership decided the future of the Dom Polski. The three options were:
Strengthen and Renovate the existing Dom Polski
Demolish the existing Dom Polski and redevelop on the existing site
Sell the existing Dom Polski and move elsewhere
After the first round of voting the vote was evenly split between Option 1 and Option 3.
This was followed by further debate and a second round of voting. Following the second round of
voting Option 3 emerged as the preferred option by a vote of 37 to 29.
The Polish Association in New Zealand Executive has formed a Building Committee to undertake due diligence and progress forward with selling the existing Dom Polski and finding a new home for our community.
Building Committee Survey
As part of our plan to sell the current Dom Polski and move to new premises, we sought information from you on what you would like the new Dom Polski to be.
Please click HERE to see what the membership had to say.
SGM attendees - 20 August 2023
What Can You Do?
Your donation will help us ensure that we will have a Dom Polski that can support the Wellington community for the generations to come. Please transfer your donation to:
Polish Association in NZ
Please use “DomPolski” as a donation reference. Remember to email us association@polishcommunity.org.nz so that we can provide you with a donation receipt.
Building Committee Survey
Please take a few minutes to complete our on-line survey by clicking on this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FFTS552
Alternately, cut and paste the survey link into your browser.
If you have any issues with the survey please contact us by email to association@polishcommunity.org.nz.