Support Us

There are three ways we welcome your support:

Become a member

Become a Friend of the Polish Association in New Zealand


Become a Member

Members of the Polish Association in New Zealand enjoy discounts to Polish Association events, free delivery of our monthly ‘Wiadomosci’ newsletter, huge reductions on hall hires, and special voting rights at our Annual and Special General Meetings.

It also gives you the opportunity to become a key part of our community and to have a say in all the things we do.

To sign up to be a member, get two current members to sponsor you, complete this form, and send to or mail it to us at:

PO Box 853
Wellington 6140
New Zealand

Or simply email us at with the subject line ‘Membership’ and one of our friendly team will contact you.

Become a Friend of the Polish Association in New Zealand

Friends of the Polish Association in New Zealand get to find out in advance about all the cool events on our calendar, and they have first preference for tickets to our annual Zabawa (Ball) and other events.

There is no charge to become a Friend of the Polish Association in New Zealand, simply email us at with the subject line ‘I want to be your friend’.


It takes a lot of money to run a community! And your financial help is always much appreciated.

We are a registered charitable organisation

To donate please transfer funds to: 

Polish Association in NZ

Use “Donation” as a donation reference.

Remember to email us so that we can provide you with a donation receipt for tax purposes.

Donate to save our Dom Polski

Current donations will help us ensure that we will have a Dom Polski that can support the Wellington community for the generations to come. Please transfer your donation to:

Polish Association in NZ

See this page for more on saving our Dom Polski

Please use “DomPolski” as a donation reference. Remember to email us so that we can provide you with a donation receipt.