150th Celebrations
Celebrating 150 Years of Polish Communities in New Zealand
150 Years of Polish Communities in New Zealand
To help celebrate we are both looking for volunteers to help share the celebration message and also encourage people to celebrate in their own way, be it large or small. It’s a wonderful history that can be celebrated in many different ways.
Get Involved
We are looking for volunteers who would like to get involved in sharing the message of 150 Years of Polish Communities in New Zealand. This Polish-New Zealand history is not well-known and we’d like to change that!
We need help to write grant applications, sponsorship offers, PR releases, connect with people keen to share their stories, post goodies, order balloons, run social media, etc… We can make videos, design cool things and use skills or passions you have. Email 150years@polishcommunity.org.nz to get in touch.
You can be located anywhere in New Zealand, Poland or anywhere in the world. We look forward to hearing from all helpful souls!
Any celebration format is fantastic. What about a Polish group of marathon runners, or a Polish bridge tournament in a retirement village? What about building a Polish model plan or reading that Polish history book you always planned to?
Organise Your Own Celebrations
Think about your Polish link … or stories related to a trip to Poland, Polish colleagues or other Polish encounters: funny, happy, sad, surprising, stories of love etc. Maybe you would like to celebrate your “Polishness” with your friends and family or share your Polish story.
Any celebration format is fantastic. What about a Polish group of marathon runners, or a Polish bridge tournament in a retirement village? What about building a Polish model plan or reading that Polish history book you always planned to?
We would like to share small and big celebrations, reward you with some free goodies, and/or publish them in the event calendar.
with a
T-shirts have been produced featuring our celebration logo graphic. Available for purchase pending sufficient order numbers. To find out more visit the link below. T-shirts are produced on 100% quality cotton garments, using water-based inks, garments Ethically Sourced from a New Zealand company.
Take Part Around the Country
The Polish Association in New Zealand Incorporated is based in Wellington. Our online 150th activities are for everyone, but to learn more about the 150th activities organised by other, independent Polish organisations around New Zealand, especially in Christchurch and Dunedin where these ships made land, please use the following links:
Poles Down South – 150 Years Polish People in New Zealand. 150yearspolesdownsouth.nz
This website hosted by the Polish Heritage of Otago and Southland Charitable Trust is dedicated to the 150th anniversary and contains information about other groups around New Zealand and their activities.
Polish Heritage of Otago and Southland Charitable Trust polesdownsouth.org.nz
The Polish Association in Christchurch polonia.org.nz
Between the Waters – Polish Legacy in New Zealand Charitable (based in Christchurch) Trust
Polish Genealogical Society, Taranaki rayjos@slingshot.co.nz (Inglewood)
Polish Community Trust Bay of Plenty
Auckland Polish Association
Polish Heritage Trust Museum
Your donation can support this public campaign by funding advertising costs, free goodies to engage people, postage and the like. This will help our Wellington-based organisation to reach a wider range of Kiwis. Thank you in advance for your support, please send donations to:
Polish Association in NZ
Please use “150Years” as a donation reference.
Remember to email us so that we can provide a donation receipt.
Follow Us & Share
To learn about what we are doing, see what you can take part in and share the celebration with family and friends.
We have decided on #150polishnz hashtag. You can find us on:
Get in touch
Krzyś (Chris) Dzikiewicz
Project Coordinator
Polish Association in New Zealand Inc